PILFM52 Joanna Bourke PILFM52 Joanna Bourke

Accessing Funding through Samoa Agreement

The Samoa Agreement aims to strengthen cooperation between the EU and her Member States and the Member States and Regions of the OACPS, and highlights key priorities for partnership, including human rights, democracy and governance, peace and security, human and social development, inclusive sustainable economic growth and development, environmental sustainability and climate change, migration and mobility. It has a common foundation and three regional protocols, which aim to focus on the specific needs of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific regions.

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Joanna Bourke Joanna Bourke

Cook Island Youth Vibrance Takes Center Stage

The Tu Rangatira Awards Evening was a great display of Pacific talent and unity, reflecting the very essence of Te Maeva Nui. It marked the grand opening of this year's Te Maeva Nui festival, an event that encapsulates the Cook Islands' exuberance and cultural richness.

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