Joanna Bourke Joanna Bourke

Urgent Call to Action: Combatting Obesity in the Pacific for a Stronger Future

The Pacific region is facing a crisis of epic proportions—obesity rates are soaring, with nine out of ten countries in the region ranking among the highest globally. This alarming reality not only threatens the health and wellbeing of our communities but also undermines our socio-economic stability and security.

Despite numerous programs and interventions aimed at reducing non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the prevalence of obesity continues to rise. This begs the question: What are we doing wrong, and why are we not seeing the desired outcomes?

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Joanna Bourke Joanna Bourke

An interview with Kalafi Moala

Kalafi Moala, a venerable figure in journalism, boasts a distinguished career that spans an impressive 34 years. Hailing from Tonga, Moala has made indelible contributions to the field of journalism, leaving an enduring mark through his commitment to truth, integrity, and fearless reporting. Throughout his extensive career, he has been a guiding force, using his platform to illuminate and champion critical issues within Tonga and beyond. His dedication and unwavering passion for storytelling have established him as a respected figure, earning widespread admiration and recognition in the realm of journalism.

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