Lorenzo Raplili

Lorenzo Raplili is from Vanuatu and is in many spaces advocating and educating people about Climate action and many other social issues. He currently works at Climate justice Activist & Pacific Young Climate Leaders Alliance.

Living and experiencing the effects of climate change with his family, Lorenzo is extremely passionate about supporting and uplifting the opinions and choices of his people to make a change.

Not only does he attend large meetings and conferences surrounding climate change, he also takes photos of his real life experiences and posts to Twitter to make sure people know it is a reality for him and his home country.

“Sea level rise on Maskelyn Island, on South Malekula, Vanuatu. This is at the house of a Church SDA Minister on that island.

Causes the underground water contaminated to drink and cook with.

Developed nations enjoy their wealth while half of the poorest nations suffer.”

Take a look through Lorenzo’s twitter to put yourself in his shoes and become inspired to have passion in your fight against climate change.



Gladys Habu


Sue Taei Ocean Fellowship